Clean, clear and concise copy.

That’s what every writer wants, right? But the editing and revising process can be tedious and time-consuming – especially for busy writers who are juggling lots of clients.

That’s where Brooke Shoevlin comes in. Read on to learn how she’s created recurring income by packaging her editing and proofreading services into an affordable monthly subscription for content and copywriters.

Tell us about what you do.

I am a full-time editor and a full-time mom. I started my business in 2020 while my husband was still in the military. It allowed me to create something I didn’t have to leave behind. Now it provides me with the freedom and flexibility to be a stay-at-home mama while serving my amazing clients and doing what I love.

What is your specialty?

I provide editing and proofreading for content and copywriters. I help my clients send off their content and copy with more confidence, knowing that it’s clean, clear and will accomplish their clients’ goals and purpose. I also help writers take back the lost time they would otherwise spend on proofreading and editing their work.

My zone of genius is catching mistakes and wordsmithing for clarity. I love supporting freelance writers so they can work in their zone of genius without worrying about any hang-ups in their work that could come between their clients and the audience they’re trying to reach. After I review their content and copy, my clients publish or send their work knowing that it’s ready for people to read.

How did you choose your niche?

I actually started out supporting authors and aspiring authors with their manuscripts, editing and proofreading books. And while I absolutely enjoyed it, I found that I didn’t love the short-term client relationship. I much prefer the long-term relationships I get to build with my current clients. I support them continuously on every project, truly being in their corner and part of their team. From there, I found myself supporting business owners and entrepreneurs, serving as the expert eyes on all of the content and copy within their businesses.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve found my people: content and copywriters. Their work is not only important to one audience, but important to many clients and audiences, often across a variety of industries! They need my support the most and they truly want and value the editing and proofreading support I can give.

Since making this shift into supporting more content and copywriters, it’s made my heart happy to see and hear how they’ve been able to get the editing support they need while meeting them where they’re at with their small business budgets and an easy editing process.

Who are the clients you work with?

Content and copywriters who:

🔸Create blog posts, articles, emails or website copy.

🔸Take the time to step away from their work before editing or proofreading (or wish they had the time and energy to step away and come back), but would rather be spending that time elsewhere.

🔸After writing the content or copy for their client, they’re ready to be done with it, ship it off and move on to the next thing on their growing to-do list.

🔸Want a set of fresh eyes to come in and not only catch the spinach in their work, but to look for areas that can be enhanced and elevate the content with their particular target audience in mind.

🔸Don’t have it in their business budget to hire an editor onto their team (on the usual hourly or per-word rate), but if they did, they would love to make that investment.

What types of projects do you work on?

Primarily blog posts, articles, emails (campaigns, newsletters, sequences) and web copy. All offered through my monthly editing membership, the Confidently Clean Copy Membership.

I also offer support on manuscripts, digital products and any other individual projects needing expert eyes.

Where do you freelance from?

Currently Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Tell us about two tools you rely on to run your business.

Google Docs and an epic classical playlist.

Name one thing that’s surprised you about freelancing.

There truly is this whole online community of freelancers who want genuine connection and who want to know you, partner with you and cheer you on, if you’re willing to put yourself out there and build partnerships and friendships. Working remotely can be quite a lonely road, but if you put the time and the passion into showing up for other freelancers who are in the same space as you, they’ll show up big-time for you as well. I’m so grateful for my “co-workers” and the incredible support and community I’ve found in them.

Your clients are out there! Keep showing up and keep talking about how you can serve them.

Made any big mistakes during your freelance journey?

Waiting too long to take my ideas and run with them! Make it happen. Launch the dang thing. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect.

The idea for the Confidently Clean Copy Membership was born many months before I finally launched it in April 2023. So much “life” was happening at the time with a big military move and lots of changes for my family. I kept pushing it off until things were “more settled.”

When things finally settled, it took me sucking it up and setting a launch date to do it, imperfectly. And what happened blew me away. People loved it. I signed up my first members. And it’s been the best thing I’ve done in my business since I started this journey.

What are you proudest of with your business?

Through the highs and lows of business (and the craziness of life), I’ve weathered the storm, continuing to serve incredible clients with the editing and proofreading support they need while also having the privilege of supporting my family through work I love. I’ve come out a stronger business owner and mom, in more ways than one.

There’s lots of advice out there for freelancers. What advice do you agree with?

Working from home can be tricky if you don’t have some parameters in place when it comes to “clocking out.” Set a time for when you step away from the computer or how long you can spend on LinkedIn or other social media platforms each day. Setting those boundaries for yourself can make all the difference in the way you show up for your clients and your family. Plus it can prevent burnout!

What common advice do you disagree with?

There’s a general belief that if your analytics are down or your reach is low, you’re not attracting clients. Analytics and reach can be super misleading! It can be easy to see those numbers and get sucked into the belief that your people aren’t interested in the support you offer or they aren’t seeing your content.

But I’ve had people reach out, ready to work together because they had been reading my content and deciding my support was the right fit for them – and I had no idea they were there. Your clients are out there! Keep showing up and keep talking about how you can serve them.

What areas of opportunities do you see for current or future freelancers?

The opportunities for networking with like-minded freelancers, both virtually and locally, are growing! With so many people shifting into remote work and starting their own businesses over the last few years, we’re seeing a lot more coffee chats, networking “happy hours” and in-person events. It’s something I’m really excited to see!

Click the link to learn more about Brooke and her Confidently Clean Copy Membership. You can also find her on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.